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Last Updated:19:30 on Thursday 09th September 2021

COVID - 19

Given that we’re still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, there’ll be some restrictions on what we do and how we do it. This page will let you know the steps we’ve taken to make sure we keep everyone safe.




Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, or who has been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms (within the last two weeks), shouldn’t come to any face-to-face activities, and should follow government guidelines on self-isolation and testing.

Young people who are shielding or are in another vulnerable group might not wish to return to face-to-face activities at this stage. If your child’s shielding or in another vulnerable group, please contact us so he can chat through some options.


We’re also aware some young people, including young people with additional needs, might need new or different reasonable adjustments putting in place to support a return to face-to-face Scouts – again, we’re happy to discuss this with you.

I’d also like to let you know some of the updates to our arrangements for making sure our activities will be COVID-19 safe.

We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment for face to face activities and measures put in place to adhere to current Scout and government guidelines.


 Indoor and outdoor activities

  • Our risk assessment allows for indoor activities, but we don’t plan to be indoors very much.

  • If we run activities indoors, we will manage group sizes, cleaning, etc in line with our risk assessment and current guidance.

  • Activities over the coming weeks will be mostly outside only.

  • Please send your child suitably dressed for the outdoor conditions – weather, wet grass etc. So, warm clothes, waterproof coat and boots if necessary. Hopefully, sun cream will be needed soon.


Arrival and departure arrangements

  • We are not implementing 10-minute arrival and departure windows at the moment to try to prevent bunching at the entrance.

  • The car park at the Scout HQ will be kept free of cars to allow young people to assemble ,Parents are asked to walk to the HQ wherever possible and to not park on the  front of the building.

  • Parents must not enter the HQ building or activity location but just see their young people into the location and out again at the end.


Activity Details

  • Your section leader will contact you about the programme for this term and to explain the detail of each activity.

  • Some meeting times, or even days, may change to accommodate some activities

  • Leaders will be able to explain what’s now possible and how we can help young people catch up with achieving their awards where possible.


Hand sanitisation, hygiene and personal protective equipment

  • Scouts and Young Leaders don't have to wear face masks if going indoors.

  • Beavers and Cubs are not required to wear face masks at any time.

  • Hand sanitizing will be available at all activities and young people will be asked to use the facility at the start and finish of each activity and when using any equipment.

  • Personal Protective Equipment will be provided for use by leaders when necessary. It should not be required for young people when meeting outside, but they may wear a mask if they wish.

  • Equipment will be sanitised between use or left quarantined for an appropriate time to reduce infection risk.

  • The HQ will be cleaned regularly.


Other measures in place

  • Young people should not bring anything to an activity that is not specifically needed for the activity e.g. toys, things to show the leader, etc.

  • Leaders who administer first aid will use PPE if they must come closer than 2m from the casualty, but young people will be encouraged and supervised to assist themselves where practicable.

  • To minimise use of the kitchen in the HQ building, young people must bring their own drink in a non-breakable container and not share others.


We understand that there’s a lot to take in, but we are taking the safety of our young members and adult volunteers very seriously.
We also plan to chat with young people themselves about this too and will be briefing young people at each meeting on the requirements that need to be met to keep everyone safe.

We’re back to face- to-face activities back up and running again, so we can gain more skills and have more fun together. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

We do have to remain flexible in the coming months because government guidance can change at short notice. We will do our best to keep you informed and this will be by email in the first instance so you should check your in-box before setting out for Scouts each week.

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