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Subs and Payments


Scouting subs are £105 per year, starts in September and ends in July which equates to £35 per term or £8.75 per Month based on 12 months. They are paid for a whole term even if a child misses one week or decides to leave during the term.

Making a payment

Bank transfer

We accept bank transfer payments £105 for whole year subscription , please use the correct bank details below.

Bank: Natwest
Account name: 30th Walthamstow scout group
Account number: 75598973
Sort code: 60-22-23

Ref: ( Child Surname )

 Subscription Direct Debit Payment Options

We have termly subscriptions known as " subs", for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts , collected at the beginning of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.

 The subs that you pay each time fund several things:

Almost 1/2 of the subs we collect is paid directly to District, County and national Scouting, leaving a little over 1/2 for our Scout Group.

  • This cost is about £49 per child and is paid to the District, so we do not directly benefit from this money.

  • Capitation costs: Each year the Scout Association takes a census (or count) on 31st January for all young members of our group.

  • The “capitation” due is paid for each child in the Group at that time, regardless of how often that child attends.

  • Activities / Badges / Neckerchiefs/ HQ Rent : Our leaders organise activities for your children to do on a weekly basis.  These often count towards activity and challenge badges. The subs you pay fund these activities with the hall rent and the badges  that are earned. Additional, larger activities like camps are paid for separately.

How much do leaders get paid?

Nothing, nada, zilch, zero…

All of our leaders and every adult involved in our Group gives their time, skills and efforts voluntarily and without payment of any kind.

Can’t I just pay cash?

If the leaders took cash from parents each month there would be an awful lot of money floating around each week with nobody to look after it properly while everybody is busy doing the important stuff – Scouting.


We’ll cancel the payments if you child leaves the Scout Group

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